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How to stop hitting the tops of golf balls and improve your swing

3 min read

Do your golf balls just roll along the floor and never get into the air? This is called "topping the ball," and it happens when your club hits the ball above its equator. Ironically, many golfers make the problem worse by trying to "help" the ball get up in the air by lifting or scooping it off the ground. So, what's the best way to keep from hitting the golf ball too high?


There's no easy answer, which is a shame. Your golf swing mechanics are wrong in some way, which is the root of the problem. Assuming you're using the best golf club, the way it's made will make sure that the ball goes into the air when you swing the club well. The fastest way to stop topping golf balls is to ask a golf pro or golf swing teacher for help. He can see where you make the most mistakes and tell you the best ways to improve your golf swing. Once you learn how to do these drills well, you won't have to worry about embarrassingly dribbling your golf ball into the ground.



Learn The Stress Free Golf Swing - Ben Hogans Secret


Of course, not everyone has access to a golf pro who can help them. Before you look for a solution on the Internet, let me warn you about something. Some websites use the terms "hitting the ball skinny," "topping the golf ball," and "skulling" interchangeably. Not to mention that some of the golf swing tips are contradictory. Let me suggest an extra old skool alternative. Go to the library near you and get a few books on how to improve your golf swing. Look for books that teach you how to improve your golf swing or show you the right way to do it. Look through them and borrow the ones you might be able to understand. Take careful notes as you read them. Then hit a few dozen golf balls with the cross and record it all on video. Look at what you see and compare it to what you wrote down. You must notice some major changes from the norm. Once you fixed those mistakes, you must have moved your golf swing forward and stopped hitting the ball too high.


Trying to take short cuts is often a hit-or-miss proposition. I have to say that sometimes you just don't have time to do something right. In these situations, all you need to do is move your arms, say a quick prayer, and wish for the best. So, here are two short tips for your golf swing that will keep you from topping golf balls:





Some golfers find that they can only get the ball to the top with their drivers and irons with low numbers. This shows that when they swing those clubs, they have trouble controlling the electricity they create. Here are three tips to help you improve your golf swing:





It's embarrassing to top the golf ball as soon as possible. Every time you hit the golf ball over the hole, it's embarrassing. Asking a golf swing coach to take a look at your swing is the fastest way to stop topping golf balls and improve your swing. The next great thing to do is to look at and learn the right way to swing a golf club.


Learn The Stress Free Golf Swing - Ben Hogans Secret

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