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The best golf swing of all time is no more

9 min read



Golfers will do a lot of crazy things to hit the ball higher. Many golfers will be tempted to believe anyone who says they know how to improve their swing. And even though you know in the back of your mind that a lot of this is too true to be true, your love of golf makes you forget all the things you know to be true.


Why would someone try to combine a golf swing with something called a "Stack and Tilt"? Which, if you haven't heard, is just a new way to swing a golf club that was made up by a couple of snake oil salesmen who took advantage of determined golfers and became the "in" thing to do for about five minutes.


But luckily, it's now been thrown in the overflowing dumpster with all the other golf trends that have come and gone. It was said that some PGA Tour players were using this new swing idea, but in reality, how many PGA Tour players are using this idea these days? Most likely, the same number of people are using Natural Golf as they are using every other once-popular golf swing technique that is now in the trash. [1]



When we check the golf chat rooms on the Internet, we don't hear much about Stack and Tilt. This is a big change from five months ago, when it was all the rage. And just like a lot of people in the U.S. were in a real estate frenzy a few years ago, where you had to be in real estate or you were missing out on something big, the pros in the golfing online chat rooms found that golfers were in a similar maniacal frenzy about having to try this new golf swing.


"I heard that Tiger is going to use Stack and Tilt for the first time!" "My cousin's friend knows a man whose wife is friends with someone who lives next door to Mickelson's accountant, and that person says that Mickelson is also trying it!" "I usually score around 95, but on my first real round with it, I shot 62!"


And thankfully, GMS said many months ago (in the December 12, 2007 issue of Golf Improvement Weekly) that this new swing should be called the "Stack and Shank." Now, 18 months later, it is being called that by the same experts who said it was the best thing. since you could switch the shaft on your driver. All of those bad golfers who got caught up in some other golf swing fad and spent the last 18 months not getting better but probably learning to slice the golf ball and shorten the distance of their tee shots.


Yet, like all fads, it seems like some golfers are just starting to try the stack and shank. It's like the kid who showed up to his friends' party at 4:00 when it started at 1:00 and asked, "Hey, guys, where are you going?" Why are you already leaving the party?" "Jimmy, the party is over. We ate the cake and opened the presents. Some leftover birthday cake is on the table, but it wasn't very good. There was too much frosting and sprinkles and not enough cake. "I'm hungry, so I'll eat anything!"



Learn The Stress Free Golf Swing - Ben Hogans Secret


How is it that people who are so smart that they could build a business or be a key person in a business—people who have to deal with snake oil salesmen every day as a part of their job—get fooled by using more than one golf pro selling their new golf swing?


When I first started playing golf, I was very lucky to be able to learn from a very smart golf professional. He told me, "Marky, the golf swing is like a box of Kellogg's Corn Flakes." I probably replied the same way you are right now: "Huh?"


He didn't give up. "The golf swing is kind of like a box of Kellogg's Corn Flakes," he said. What's in the field never changes; the packaging is the only thing that does.[2]



He meant that the golf swing is the golf swing, just like cornflakes are cornflakes. The parts of a great golf swing don't change, just like the parts of a corn flake don't change. There are no new golf swings that will help you get better at the game. But the way it's packaged or, in golf terms, how it explains the golf swing so that a golfer can keep getting better is important.


The packaging means (but isn't limited to) being able to help golfers all the time by using more advanced standards, such as better, more effective drills that will help you improve your golf swing. Creating ways to teach golfers about their swings so they can understand them better without having to think about too many things with each swing, as well as teaching them how to fix it quickly after a bad shot. And then teaching golfers how to They can improve their swing by using a plan based on their strengths and weaknesses instead of just hitting golf balls like monkeys on the driving range.


There will never be a new way to swing a golf club that will help golfers hit the ball more accurately (the real corn flake would not trade). But golf instructors can improve their ability to communicate and their knowledge of the golf swing so that we can train the golf swing in an easier way. Yes, instructors have different levels of skill, but there are no new ways to swing a golf club.


Yes, the golf swing is made up of many different actions that use different parts of your body. Most golf teachers will teach you how to do all of those things. And unfortunately, a lot of golfers think that if an instructor talks about all of these moves, that means he or she is a good instructor. On the other hand, a golf instructor who needs to talk about all of these moves is probably weak and useless and doesn't have many golfers who improve. But they might be held in high regard just because they talk like they know what they are doing.


Golf instructors who aren't very knowledgeable have been telling golfers for years (and still do this today) to turn their shoulders, flip their hips, and shift their weight. Most golfers have been taught three things that they try to do with every swing, but most of the time they don't do them well enough, which leads to a bad shot.


On the other hand, a good golf instructor can get you to do all three things without you having to think about them each time you swing the club. We help you do all of these things without having to think about them. Skilled golf instructors can help you by coming up with drills that will make you do all of these things naturally, which means that you won't have to think about them.


Getting your golf swing to behave properly without you having to think about it is the first step toward a regular golf swing. And if you do that, you might be able to swing more smoothly and hit the golf ball higher and more consistently.[3]



A golf instructor who wants to teach you everything about the golf swing is like a sports star being interviewed on TV who uses big, fancy words to hide the fact that he only graduated high school because he became a famous athlete. So, he will use fancy words. to make himself seem smarter or more skilled, even though he may not know how to use them well.


"You need to make sure you use a one-piece takeaway so that your swing path starts a little to the inside and you keep the right posture. When you do this, your club may start to fly if your shoulders are turned 90 degrees toward the goal, your hips are turned 45 degrees, and you are putting 55% of your weight on your right foot and 45% on your left foot. If so, you should..."


"Oh, that guy sounds like he knows what he is talking about. I need to pay attention to what he is saying!"


A great Golf Instructor is able to take all of these steps and find a way for the Golfer to do them all at once. For example, if you see a golfer whose game isn't going well, do they have more or less swing thought than someone whose game is going well? Of course, they have way too many changes of mind. "Oh, that's terrible. Each time I swing, I have so much on my mind."


Then, this golfer will go to a golf instructor to learn how to improve his or her swing, and what might that golf instructor do? If it's like most golf lessons, the Golf Instructor gives this already-tired golfer even more to think about. Why? Because a lot of golf instructors want to show you how much they know about the golf swing. They are going to show you that they know a lot, whether you like it or not.


And most of the time, that golfer leaves more confused, plays worse, and says he or she will never take another golfing lesson again. Which is a shame because there are some really great Golf Instructors out there.


On the other hand, when you talk to a golfer who hits the ball well and ask them what they were thinking during their last shot, they often say, "I don't know, I was just trying to make a smooth golf swing."


So, if this is true, it's not surprising that most people get worse after a typical golf lesson. Because a typical golf instructor talks about all of these little moves, and if you try to do what he or she says, you'll get into trouble on the golf course. Still, a good teacher knows how to take all of these moves and make you do them without you even having to think about it.


A great and talented Golf Instructor doesn't care if people think he or she is smart; all that matters is that the Golfers are getting better.


The monkey grabs the new, best vine that all the other monkeys are also grabbing. He does this because all the other monkeys are doing it.


The Player knows that the golf swing is like a bowl of Corn Flakes, and he or she shows the Instructor that they know how to bundle mainly for their golf game.


Learn The Stress Free Golf Swing - Ben Hogans Secret

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